Super Green - Tart Smoothie
1 green apple cut in half
2 giant kale leaves
1 small avocado (not necessary but makes it creamy)
1 peeled kiwi
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
6 or 7 ice cubes
1 cup of apple juice
1/2 cup of water
1 Tbsp agave nectar
(or your sweetener of choice)
Makes 36 oz / 4 medium cups
Pretty green ey? And here is the best news. After sitting down with his smoothie G-boy said - I kid you not - "This is the best! You should make this one all the time!" C-baby had no words but came back for seconds. I use a Breville which makes this combo very drinkable but I do still dream about a Vita-mix. Someday friends, someday.
And because I am sooooo super healthy I made this for dessert. So bad! I'm working to slaughter my old personal 5k record in March so I am pushing my runs and I have many thoughts of eating better. My first idea was to cut out the late night eating. Can't do it. So I decided I'm going to cut fast food completely and drink a smoothie a day. I'll let you know how it goes.
Enjoy the green!